After I stopped deploying I was a mess. Couldn't sit still, couldn't read a book (which I used to do 4 or 5 at a time - still can’t which sucks), either way, couldn't sit down long enough for a TV show, a movie, or a football game.
Then I found cigars. I can sit still at peace now for 45 minutes to an hour no problem with a cigar in my hand. Plus they're fucking delicious. They've actually helped me quit dipping and smoking cigarettes. I just take the Zyn nicotine pouches and smoke cigars, so I'll pretty much never die.
Try it out.
Glad you quit the "bad stuff". Quitting dipping was brutal for me. I had unbelievably vivid, recurring dreams about dipping for many years after. They have finally stopped; it has been at least 25 years.